2008년 6월 6일 금요일

6. Materials vs Content in Digitally Mediated Performance

1) Materials-driven Performance
- Apparitions by Klaus Obermaier(2004)
- http://www.exile.at/apparition/index.html?AppM=press.html
- Abstraction
- dance (more contemporary abstracted sense)-
- making materials the subject of the piece
- modernist agenda

2) Contents-driven performance
- 16[R]evolutions by Mark Coniglio and Dawn Stopiello(2006).
- http://www.troikaranch.org/16revs/trailer-qt.html
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJ3_AOBX6TM&NR=1
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rbv7n0ZgA98
- narrative
- theatre (more traditional literary interpretation)
- use materials to suggest or provide context for an idea
- not fit under the modernist directive.

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